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[P0000CQV] Canine and Feline Cytology, 2/E - A Color Atlas and Interpretation Guide(2009) New 적립금

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Canine and Feline Cytology, 2/E - A Color Atlas and Interpretation Guide(2009) 기본 정보
소비자가 160,000원
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Raskin의 Cytology가 더욱 업그레이드되어 개정되었읍니다. 


특히 최을수 교수님이 공동저자로 참여하신 뜻깊은 책입니다

(Chapter 16 . Endocrine System)

기존 edition에 비하여 사진의 품질이 더욱 훌륭합니다.


1. 분변검사에 대한 새로운 챕터 추가

2. 발전된 기법 뿐 아니라 기존 기법의 더욱 효율적인 응용 서술





Canine and Feline Cytology, 2nd Edition - A Color Atlas and Interpretation Guide

Saunders Title
ISBN: 9781416049852

472 pages
Trim size 8 1/2 X 10 7/8 in
Copyright 2010


Master the art and science of specimen collection, preparation, and evaluation with Canine & Feline Cytology: A Color Atlas and Interpretation Guide, Second Edition. This easy-to-use guide covers all body systems and fluids including a special chapter on acquisition and management of cytology specimens. Hundreds of vivid color images of normal tissue alongside abnormal tissue images – plus concise summaries of individual lesions and guidelines for interpretation - will enhance your ability to confidently face any diagnostic challenge.



Key Features
  • A greatly expanded image collection, with more than 1,200 vivid, full-color photomicrographic illustrations depicting multiple variations of normal and abnormal tissue for fast and accurate diagnosis
  • Clear, concise descriptions of tissue sampling techniques, slide preparation and examination guidelines

  • Helpful hints for avoiding technical pitfalls and improving diagnostic quality of specimens
  • Includes all body systems and fluids as well as pathological changes associated with infectious agents

  • Histologic and histopathologic correlates provided in all organ system chapters.
  • User-friendly format and logical organization facilitates readability and learning.

  • Expert contributors represent the most respected leaders in the field.


New to this Edition
  • NEW! Chapter on Fecal Cytology

  • Highlighted boxes featuring Key Points provide helpful tips for best conceptual understanding and diagnostic effectiveness

  • Photomicrographs now include more comparative histology

  • Discussions of broader uses of stains and immunocytochemistry for differential cytologic characterization
  • Expanded chapter on Advanced Diagnostic Techniques includes more methodology and application of current tools, representing advances in both aspiration and exfoliative cytology.



Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The Acquisition and Management of Cytology Specimens

Dennis J. Meyer

Sara L. Connolly

Hock Gan Heng

Chapter 2: General Categories of Cytologic Interpretation

Rose E. Raskin

Chapter 3: Skin and Subcutaneous Tissues

Rose E. Raskin

Chapter 4: Lymphoid System

Rose E. Raskin

Chapter 5: Respiratory Tract

Mary Jo Burkhard

Laurie M. Millward

Chapter 6: Body Cavity Fluids

Alan H. Rebar
Craig A. Thompson

Chapter 7: Oral Cavity, Gastrointestinal Tract, and Associated Structures

Claire B. Andreasen

Albert E. Jergens

Dennis J. Meyer

Chapter 8: Dry-Mount Fecal Cytology

Heather L. Wamsley

Chapter 9: The Liver

Dennis J. Meyer

Chapter 10: Urinary Tract

Dori L. Borjesson

Keith DeJong

Chapter 11: Microscopic Examination of the Urinary Sediment

Dennis J. Meyer

Chapter 12: Reproductive System

Laia Solano-Gallego

Chapter 13: Musculoskeletal System

Anne M. Barger

Chapter 14: The Central Nervous System

Davide De Lorenzi

Maria T. Mandara

Chapter 15: Eye and Adnexa

Rose E. Raskin

Chapter 16: Endocrine System

A. Rick Alleman

Ul Soo Choi

Chapter 17: Advanced Diagnostic Techniques

José A. Ramos-Vara

Anne C. Avery

Paul R. Avery

Author Information
Rose E. Raskin, DVM, PhD, DACVP, Professor of Veterinary Clinical Pathology, Department of Comparative Pathobiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Denny Meyer, DVM, DACVIM, DACVP, Chief Scientific Officer, Charles River Preclinical Services, Reno, NV

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