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[P0000CRM] Feline Dentistry: Oral Assessment, Treatment, and Preventative Care New 적립금

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Feline Dentistry: Oral Assessment, Treatment, and Preventative Care 기본 정보
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소비자가 135,000원
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상품코드 P0000CRM


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Small Animal Dental Equipment, Materials and Techniques: A Primer의 저자인 Jan Bellows의 고양이 치과서적이 발간되었읍니다.

본 도서의 저자는 기존 도서에서와 마찬가지로 학자라기 보다는 임상가의 입장에서 유용하고 실용적인 팁을 공개하고 있읍니다.

특히 개와 함께 '소동물치과학'이라고 한몫에 다루어지던 고양이의 치과학은 개별적으로 다루고 있는 최초의 도서인 점이 주목할 만 합니다.


VIN.com의 북리뷰에서 무려 만점(별 다섯개)을 받았읍니다.


Feline Dentistry: Oral Assessment, Treatment and Preventative Care


VSPN Review by Dr. Oreta M. Samples, VT, MPH, DHSc Star

Feline Dentistry is a handsome, hardcover text that plunges straight to the heart of the subject matter. Beginning with a heartfelt dedication by Dr. Bellows to Dr. Colin E. Harvey, a lifelong supporter of dentistry as a genre of veterinary medicine as well as the editor of the Journal of Veterinary Surgery (5 years) and the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry (6 years), one begins to get a feel for the enthusiasm of the author. Dr. Harvey’s own interest for feline dentistry comes through in his own carefully written preface. His own engaging words: “Ah cats. What would veterinary dentistry be without them?” causes the reader to become instantly engaged in the topic even if they have never cleaned a cat’s tooth before in their life.

The book is divided into three sections: Oral Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention; the sections encompass a total of fifteen chapters. The text is written in simple yet straightforward scientific language with beautiful full color pictures of a variety of oral studies. The nicest thing about the pictures is the use of labels within the pictures enabling the veterinarian or veterinary technician to prop the book up next to a case study and easily identify the various anatomical structures of the oral cavity. The anatomical section diagrams the oral anatomy from the outer mucosa down to the skull itself and everything in between. In addition to color photographs there are also radiographs of dental interest to study and use as a comparison. Pictures represent not only healthy specimens but injurious and diseased dental subjects as well.

There are also a few line drawings scattered through the text to illustrate tooth parts. The bulk of illustrations, however, are medical photographs and radiographs. The lack of line drawings does not, however, take away from this book in any way. In addition to the aforementioned photos there are also a great many photographs depicting proper positioning of instruments, machinery (both hand-held and mechanical) and animal patient during examination and cleaning. This is most helpful for beginners.

The section on radiographs covers both non-digital and digital usage with software pictures showing the complete expected computer screen. This section is well written with much attention to detail, making it invaluable to any technician striving to take the “purrfect” feline radiograph. Other sections cover such diverse issues as dental anesthesia, charting, treatment of oral trauma, endodontic disease and other interesting topics. As textbooks go, this book is one that the reviewer recommends for students interested in learning dental techniques and practitioners who are looking for a refresher on feline dentistry or a review book for their staff, and most definitely a must have for the technician who is interested in becoming a veterinary dental technician or qualifying for a dental specialty. While the photographs at times are sometimes graphic in nature, the reviewer finds that no-one can afford to be without this text if they are truly interested in learning feline dental techniques from the beginning to the end.

Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell (2010). ISBN: 978-0-8138-1613-5.




Feline Dentistry: Oral Assessment, Treatment, and Preventative Care is the only current reference devoted to feline dentistry. It brings together information on anatomy, pathology, radiology, equipment, materials, anesthesia, treatment, medical, and surgical dental care of the cat. This text serves as a guide to the diagnosis and management of general dental problems as well as problems unique to cats. Separated into three sections assessment, treatment, and prevention this full color book is an essential reference for any veterinarian treating feline patients.




Section I. Oral Assessment.

Chapter 1. Anatomy.

Chapter 2. Examination.

Chapter 3. Radiology.

Chapter 4. Charting.

Chapter 5. Pathology.

Section II. Treatment.

Chapter 6. Equipment.

Chapter 7. Anesthesia.

Chapter 8. Treatment of Periodontal Disease.

Chapter 9. Treatment of Endodontic Disease.

Chapter 10. Treatment of Tooth Resorption.

Chapter 11. Treatment of Oral Cavity Inflamation.

Chapter 12. Treatment of Occlusion Disorders.

Chapter 13. Oral Trauma Surgery.

Chapter 14. Treatment of Oral Swellings/Tumors.

Section III. Prevention.

Chapter 15. Plaque Control.




저자 정보

Jan Bellows, DVM, DipACVD, DipABVP, is a veterinarian with more than 25 years experience in small animal medicine and surgery. As the author of Small Animal Dental Equipment, Materials and Techniques (2004) and The Practice of Veterinary Dentistry: A Team Effort (1999), he has lectured globally on the importance of integrating veterinary dentistry into small animal practice. Dr. Bellows sees dental referrals at his practices in Weston, Florida - Hometown Animal Hospital & Dental Clinic and All Pets Dental Clinic. He will soon open a new feline-only practice in the area as well.


 본 서의 특징

  • Only current reference devoted to feline dentistry
  • Brings together information on the anatomy, pathology, radiology, dental equipment, anesthesia, treatment, and medical and surgical dental care of the cat
  • Serves as a complete guide to the diagnosis and management of problems unique to cats, as well as general dental problems
  • Separated into three sections: assessment, treatment, and prevention
  • An essential, full color reference for any veterinarian treating feline patients



    본 서에 대한 북리뷰

    "The images have incredible detail and highlight the most important parts of the text. The images alone are worth the price of the book.... The general practitioner looking to improve his or her understanding of the uniqueness of the cat's oral cavity and the pathology that affects it will heavily utilize this book... it should be on the shelf of every veterinarian that practices dentistry, from general practitioner to the board certified dentist." (Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, Spring 2010)

    "This book is one that the reviewer recommends for students interested in learning dental techniques and practitioners who are looking for a refresher on feline dentistry or a review book for their staff, and most definitely a must have for the technician who is interested in becoming a veterinary dental technician or qualifying for a dental specialty... no-one can afford to be without this text if they are truly interested in learning feline dental techniques from the beginning to the end." (VSPN, April 2010) 


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