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[P0000CRX] Quick Look Series in Metabolic and Endorine Physiology 3/E (2012) 품절 New 적립금

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Quick Look Series in Metabolic and Endorine Physiology 3/E (2012) 기본 정보
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Metabolic and Endorine Physiology Third Edition
Larry R. Engelking, PhD
Written specifically for veterinary students who wish to organize their thinking in endocrinology, interns and residents preparing for their specialty board exams, animal science and graduate students in physiology, and practicing veterinarians who wish to update their general knowledge of endocrinology. 


QLS Metobolic & Endocrine Physiology Third Edition
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Endocrine System (Overview)
Chapter 2. Endocrine Secretory Control (Autocrine, Paracrine, and Endocrine Mediators)
Chapter 3. Hormone Disposition, Measurement and Secretion (Production & Distribution Volume, Clearance & Immunoassay)
Chapter 4. Mechanisms of Catecholamine and Polypeptide Hormone Action: I (Receptors and Second Messengers)
Chapter 5. Mechanisms of Catecholamine and Polypeptide Hormone Action: II (The Intracellular Ca2+/DG Messenger System)
Chapter 6. Steroid and Thyroid Hormones (Mechanisms of Action)
Chapter 7. Hypothalamus and Pituitary (Directors of the Endocrine Orchestra)
Chapter 8. Proopiomelanocortin and Related Peptides: I (Endogenous Opiate-Like Peptides)
Chapter 9. Proopiomelanocortin and Related Peptides: II (Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone)
Chapter 10. Growth Hormone: I (Actions and Secretory Control)
Chapter 11. Growth Hormone: II (Hypo- and Hypersomatotropism)
Chapter 12. Antidiuretic Hormone (Vasopressin)
Chapter 13. Diabetes Insipidus (Central and Nephrogenic)
Chapter 14. Calcium (Physiologic Actions)
Chapter 15. Magnesium and phosphate (Physiologic Actions)
Chapter 16. Parathormone, Calcitonin, and Vitamin D: I (PTH, PTHrp, and CT)
Chapter 17. Parathormone, Calcitonin, and Vitamin D: II (CT and 1,25(OH)2D)
Chapter 18. Disorders of Calcium Homeostasis (Hyper- and Hypocalcemia)
Chapter 19. Mineral Imbalances: I (Na+, K+, PO43–, and Mg2+)
Chapter 20. Mineral Imbalances: II (Parturient Hypocalcemia and Osteoporosis)
Chapter 21. ACTH and Glucocorticoids: I (Corticosteroidogenesis and Degradation)
Chapter 22. ACTH and Glucocorticoids: II (ACTH Secretion and Action)
Chapter 23. ACTH and Glucocorticoids: III (Organ and Tissue Effects)
Chapter 24. ACTH and Glucocorticoids: IV (Physiologic and Pharmacologic Actions)
Chapter 25. Cushing's-Like Syndrome and Disease (Glucocorticoid Excess)
Chapter 26. Mineralocorticoids (Effects on Na+, K+ and H+)
Chapter 27. Renin-Angiotensin System: I (The Juxtaglomerular Apparatus)
Chapter 28. Renin-Angiotensin System: II (Hypertension)
Chapter 29. Addison’s-Like Disease (Hypoadrenocorticism)
Chapter 30. Erythropoietin (Production and Action)
Chapter 31. Natriuretic Peptides (ANP, BNP, CNP, and Urodilatin)
Chapter 32. Adrenal Medulla: I (Catecholamine Biosynthesis and Degradation)
Chapter 33. Adrenal Medulla: II (Adrenergic Receptors and the Sympathoadrenal Response)
Chapter 34. Pheochromocytoma (Catecholamine-Secreting Tumor)
Chapter 35. Phasic Responses to Trauma (Immediate, Catabolic, and Anabolic)
Chapter 36. Thyroid: I (Hormone Biosynthesis and Secretory Regulation)
Chapter 37. Thyroid: II (Metabolic Effects of Thyroid Hormones)
Chapter 38. Hypothyroidism (Signs and Symptoms)
Chapter 39. Hyperthyroidism (Signs and Symptoms)
Chapter 40. Endocrine Pancreas: I (The Islets of Langerhans)
Chapter 41. Endocrine Pancreas: II (Regulation of Insulin Release)
Chapter 42. Insulin (Actions and Degradation)
Chapter 43. Glucagon (Biosynthesis and Metabolic Actions)
Chapter 44. Diabetes Mellitus (The “Pissing Evil”)
Chapter 45. Acute Insulin Withdrawal: I (Carbohydrate and Lipid Metabolism)
Chapter 46. Acute Insulin Withdrawal: II (Protein Metabolism and Electrolyte Depletion)
Chapter 47. Gastrointestinal Hormones: I (Introduction and Historical Perspective)
Chapter 48. Gastrointestinal Hormones: II (Gastrins)
Chapter 49. Gastrointestinal Hormones: III (Gastric HCl Secretion, and CCK)
Chapter 50. Gastrointestinal Hormones: IV (Secretin and other GI Peptides)
Chapter 51. APUDomas (Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Gut) Reproductive Endocrinology Introduction
Chapter 52. Estrous Cycles (Types and Phases)
Chapter 53. Ovine, Canine and Feline Estrous Cycles (Endocrine Parameters)
Chapter 54. Bovine, Equine and Rodent Estrous Cycles (Endocrine Parameters
Chapter 55. Primate Menstrual Cycle (Endocrine Parameters)
Chapter 56. Menstruation and Regulation of Gonadotropin Release (Control of the GnRH Pulse Generator)
Chapter 57. Spermatogenesis and Ovulation (Gonadotropin Control)
Chapter 58. Male Reproductive System (The Testes and Accessory Sex Glands)
Chapter 59. Testosterone, Estrogen and Progesterone (Biosynthesis, Metabolism and Functions)
Chapter 60. Pineal Gland: I (Photoperiodic Regulation of Reproductive Events)
Chapter 61. Pineal Gland: II (Nonreproductive Actions of Melatonin)
Chapter 62. Placental Hormones (Fertilization, the CL and Placenta)
Chapter 63. Fetal Endocrine System: I (The Fetoplacental Unit)
Chapter 64. Fetal Endocrine System: II (Glandular Development)
Chapter 65. Maternal Endocrine System (Functional Alterations during Pregnancy)
Chapter 66. Maternal Organ Systems (Patterns of Change)
Chapter 67. Mammary Glands (Mammogenesis and Lactation)
Chapter 68. Prolactin (Secretory Control and Physiologic Actions)
Chapter 69. Oxytocin (Physiologic Actions)
Chapter 70. Neonatal Physiology: I (Thermal, Nutritional, and Cardiovascular Adaptations)
Chapter 71. Neonatal Physiology: II (Organ System Development)
Chapter 72. Comparative Aspects of Endocrinology
Appendix Table I Blood Chemistry Values for Domestic Animals
Appendix Table II Reproductive Patterns of Domestic Animals
Appendix Table III Basic Physiological Units
Learning Objectives, Study Questions and Answers

배송 정보

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  • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
  • 배송 비용 : 3,000원
  • 배송 기간 : 2일 ~ 5일
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