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[P0000CSK] Advances in the Canine Cranial Cruciate Ligament (2010) New 적립금

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Advances in the Canine Cranial Cruciate Ligament (2010) 기본 정보
소비자가 156,000원
  • 4,600 (3.00%)
  • 무통장 결제시 적립금 ( %) 무
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Advances in the Canine Cranial Cruciate Ligament
  • Peter Muir (Editor)
  • ISBN: 978-0-8138-1852-8
  • Hardcover
  • 320 pages
  • September 2010, Wiley-Blackwell


Advances in the Canine Cranial Cruciate Ligament, the first book in the Advances in Veterinary Surgery series, presents a state-of-the-art summary of current knowledge on cruciate rupture, one of the most important orthopaedic conditions in dogs. Written by leading specialists and edited by a highly respected veterinary orthopaedic surgeon and researcher, the book takes a cross-disciplinary, evidence-based approach. It provides the information necessary to accurately diagnose, treat, and manage cruciate rupture cases and is a valuable reference for clinicians seeking the most current information on this important condition.


  • Presents a state-of-the-art, evidence-based summary of current knowledge on the most important cause of lameness in dogs
  • First book in the Advances in Veterinary Surgery series published in association with the ACVS Foundation
  • Led by a highly respected surgeon and researcher, with chapters written by leading experts in the field
  • Surveys and condenses the peer-reviewed literature into a readable reference
  • Offers a thorough grounding in this important structure for improved diagnosis and management of cruciate rupture
  • Provides a foundation for development of future research in this field


 Table of Contents

Introduction (Peter Muir).

Chapter 1: Morphology and function of the cruciate ligaments (Hilde de Rooster, Henri Van Bree).

Chapter 2: Biomechanics of the cruciate ligaments (Susannah J. Sample, Ray Vanderby Jr, Peter Muir).

Chapter 3: Cruciate ligament remodeling and repair (Connie S. Chamberlain, Ray Vanderby Jr.).

Chapter 4: Meniscal structure and function (Antonio Pozzi, James L. Cook).

Chapter 5: Biomechanics of the normal and cranial cruciate-deficient stifle (Antonio Pozzi, Stanley E. Kim).

Section II: Etiopathogenesis of Cruciate Ligament Rupture.

Introduction (Peter Muir).

Chapter 6: Histology of cranial cruciate ligament rupture (Kei Hayashi, Peter Muir).

Chapter 7: Genetics of cranial cruciate ligament rupture (Vicki Wilke).

Chapter 8: Cruciate ligament matrix metabolism and development of laxity (Eithne Comerford).

Chapter 9: Stifle morphology (Eithne Comerford).

Chapter 10: Role of nitric oxide production and matrix protease activity in cruciate ligament degeneration (David E. Spreng).

Chapter 11: Role of antibodies to collagen type I and II (Hilde De Rooster, Tanya de Bruin, Eric Cox).

Chapter 12: Synovitis or stifle instability, which comes first? (Jason A. Bleedorn, Peter Muir).

Chapter 13: Role of synovial immune responses in stifle synovitis (Peter Muir)

Section III: Clinical Features

Introduction (Peter Muir).

Chapter 14: Epidemiology of cranial cruciate ligament rupture (James L. Cook).

Chapter 15: History and clinical signs of cruciate ligament rupture (Peter Muir).

Chapter 16: Partial versus complete rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament (Peter Muir).

Chapter 17: Caudal cruciate ligament rupture (Peter Muir).

Chapter 18: Stress radiography of the stifle (Ingrid Gielen, Jimmy Saunders, B. Van Ryssen, Henri van Bree).

Chapter 19: Stifle ultrasonography (Cristi R. Cook).

Chapter 20: Computed tomography (CT) of the stifle (Ingrid Gielen, Jimmy Saunders, Bernadette van Ryssen, Henri van Bree).

Chapter 21: Magnetic resonance imaging of the stifle (Peter V. Scrivani).

Section IV: Surgical Treatment

Introduction (Peter Muir).

Chapter 22: Arthroscopy versus arthrotomy for surgical treatment (Brian S. Beale, Don A. Hulse).

Chapter 23: Joint Lavage (Peter Muir).

Chapter 24: Extracapsular stabilization (James L. Cook).

Chapter 25: Tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (Milan Milovancev, Susan L. Schaefer).

Chapter 26: Tibial tuberosity advancement (Randy J. Boudrieau).

Chapter 27: Intra-articular stabilization (Paul A. Manley).

Chapter 28: Biomechanics of the cranial cruciate ligament deficient stifle treated by tibial osteotomies (Antonio Pozzi, Stanley E. Kim).

Chapter 29: Arthroscopic follow-up after surgical stabilization of the stifle (Brian S. Beale, Don A. Hulse).

Chapter 30: Cranial cruciate ligament debridement (David E. Spreng).

Chapter 31: Surgical treatment of concurrent meniscal injury (James L. Cook, Antonio Pozzi).

Chapter 32: Meniscal Release (Antonio Pozzi, James L. Cook).

Chapter 33: Progression of arthritis after stifle stabilization surgery (John F. Innes).

Chapter 34: Residual lameness after stifle stabilization surgery (Michael G. Conzemius, Richard B. Evans).

Section V: Medical Management of Cruciate Rupture

Introduction (Peter Muir).

Chapter 35: Medical therapy for stifle arthritis (Gail H. Jaeger, Steven C. Budsberg).

Chapter 36: Rehabilitation for dogs with cranial cruciate ligament rupture (Courtney J. Arnoldy).

Section VI: Future Directions

Introduction (Peter Muir).

Chapter 37: Client-specific outcome measures (John F. Innes).

Chapter 38: Total knee replacement in the dog (Matthew J. Allen, Katy L. Townsend, William D. Liska).

Chapter 39: Regenerative medicine and cranial cruciate ligament repair (Martha M. Murray).

Chapter 40: Disease-modifying medical therapy (Sara Colopy).



Contributor List / 참여저자 명단


     Matthew J. Allen , Vet MB, PhD
 Associate Professor
 The Ohio State University
 College of Veterinary Medicine
 Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
 601 Vernon L. Tharp Street
 Columbus, OH 43210
   Courtney J. Arnoldy , PT, DPT, CCRP
 Physical Therapist
 Certi? ed Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner
 University of Wisconsin - Madison
 School of Veterinary Medicine
 Department of Surgical Sciences
 2015 Linden Drive
 Madison, WI 53706 

   Brian S. Beale , DVM, Diplomate ACVS
 Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists
 1111 West Loop South #160
 Houston, TX 77027 

   Steven C. Budsberg , DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVS
 University of Georgia
 College of Veterinary Medicine
 Department of Small Animal Medicine and Surgery
 Athens, GA 30602 

   Jason A. Bleedorn , DVM
 Resident in Small Animal Surgery
 University of Wisconsin - Madison
 School of Veterinary Medicine
 Department of Surgical Sciences
 2015 Linden Drive
 Madison, WI 53706 

   Randy J. Boudrieau , DVM, Diplomate ACVS, ECVS
 Tufts University
 Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
 Department of Clinical Sciences
 200 Westoboro Road
 North Grafton, MA 01536 

   Connie S. Chamberlain , PhD
 Research Associate
 University of Wisconsin - Madison
 School of Medicine and Public Health
 Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation
 1111 Highland Avenue
 Madison, WI 53505 

   Sara A. Colopy , DVM, Diplomate ACVS
 Clinical Instructor
 University of Wisconsin - Madison
 School of Veterinary Medicine
 Department of Surgical Sciences
 2015 Linden Drive
 Madison, WI 53706 

   Eithne Comerford , MVB, PhD, CertVR, CertSAS,PGCertHE, DipECVS, MRCVS
 Senior Lecturer
 University of Liverpool
 Faculty of Veterinary Science
 Department of Veterinary Clinical Science
 Chester High Road
 Neston, CH64 7TE
 United Kingdom 

   Michael G. Conzemius , DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVS
 Endowed Professor
 University of Minnesota
 College of Veterinary Medicine
 Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
 1352 Boyd Avenue
 St Paul, MN 55108

   Cristi R. Cook , DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVR
 Clinical Assistant Professor
 University of Missouri
 College of Veterinary Medicine
 Department of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
 900 East Campus Drive
 Columbia, MO 65211 

   James L. Cook , DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVS
 William  &  Kathryn Allen Distinguished
 Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
 University of Missouri
 College of Veterinary Medicine
 Comparative Orthopaedic Laboratory
 900 East Campus Drive
 Columbia, MO 65211 

   Eric Cox , DVM, PhD, Diplomate ECPHM
 Ghent University
 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
 Department of Virology, Parasitology, Immunology
 Laboratory of Immunology
 Salisburylaan 133
 B - 9820 Merelbeke

   Tanya de Bruin , DVM, PhD
 De Graafschap dierenartsen
 Schimmeldijk 1
 Nl - 7251 MX Vorden
 The Netherlands 

   Hilde de Rooster , DVM, MVM, PhD, Diplomate ECVS
 Professor of Soft Tissue Surgery
 Ghent University
 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
 Department of Medicine and Clinical Biology of Small Animals
 Salisburylann 133
 B - 9820 Merelbeke

   Richard B. Evans , PhD
 Associate Professor
 University of Illinois, Urbana - Champaign
 1008 W Hazelwood
 Urbana, IL 61802 

   Ingrid Gielen , DVM, PhD, MSC
 Clinical Professor CT/MRI
 Ghent University
 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
 Department of Medical Imaging  &  Small Animal Orthopaedics
 Salisburylann 133
 9230 Merelbeke

   Kei Hayashi , DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVS
 Assistant Professor
 University of California, Davis
 Department of Surgical  &  Radiological Sciences
 School of Veterinary Medicine
 One Shields Avenue
 Davis, CA 95616 

   Don A. Hulse , DVM, Diplomate ACVS
 Texas A & M University
 College of Veterinary Medicine
 Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences
 College Station, TX 77843 

   John F. Innes , BVSc, PhD, CertVR, DSAS(orth),MRCVS
 University of Liverpool
 Faculty of Veterinary Science
 Department of Veterinary Clinical Science
 Chester High Road
 Neston, CH64 7TE
 United Kingdom 

   Gayle H. Jaeger , DVM, MSpVM, Diplomate ACVS
 VCA Newark Veterinary Specialty Group
 1360 Marrows Rd
 Newark, DE 19711 

   Kenneth A. Johnson , MVSc, PhD, FACVSc, Diplomate ACVS, ECVS  
 The University of Sydney
 Faculty of Veterinary Science
 Sydney, NSW 2006

   Stanley E. Kim , BVSc
 Resident in Small Animal Surgery
 University of Florida
 College of Veterinary Medicine
 Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences
 2015 SW 16th   Ave
 Gainesville, FL 32610

   William D. Liska , DVM, Diplomate ACVS
 Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists
 1111 West Loop South #160
 Houston, TX 77027 

   Paul A. Manley , DVM, MSc, Diplomate ACVS
 University of Wisconsin - Madison
 School of Veterinary Medicine
 Department of Surgical Sciences
 2015 Linden Drive
 Madison, WI 53706
   Mark D. Markel  DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVS  
 University of Wisconsin - Madison
 School of Veterinary Medicine
 Department of Medical Sciences
 2015 Linden Drive
 Madison, Wisconsin 53706
   Milan Milovancev , DVM, Diplomate ACVS
 Wisconsin Veterinary Referral Center
 360 Bluemound Road,
 Waukesha, WI 53188 

   Peter Muir , BVSc, MVetClinStud, PhD, Diplomate ACVS, ECVS, MRCVS
 University of Wisconsin - Madison
 School of Veterinary Medicine
 Department of Surgical Sciences
 2015 Linden Drive
 Madison, Wisconsin 53706 

   Martha Meaney Murray , MD
 Assistant Professor
 Harvard Medical School
 Children's Hospital, Boston
 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
 300 Longwood Ave
 Boston, MA 02115 

   Antonio Pozzi , DMV, MS, Diplomate ACVS
 Assistant Professor
 University of Florida
 College of Veterinary Medicine
 Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences
 2015 SW 16th Ave
 Gainesville, FL 32610 

   Susannah J. Sample , BS, MS, DVM
 Research Assistant
 University of Wisconsin - Madison
 Comparative Orthopaedic Research Laboratory
 School of Veterinary Medicine
 2015 Linden Drive
 Madison, WI 53706
   Jimmy Saunders , DVM, PhD, Diplomate ECVDI
 Professor of Diagnostic Imaging
 Ghent University
 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
 Department of Veterinary Medical Imaging and Small Animal Orthopaedics
 Salisburylann 133
 9230 Merelbeke

   Susan L. Schaefer , DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVS
 Clinical Associate Professor
 University of Wisconsin - Madison
 School of Veterinary Medicine
 Department of Surgical Sciences
 2015 Linden Drive
 Madison, WI 53706 

   Peter V. Scrivani , DVM, Diplomate ACVR
 Assistant Professor
 Cornell University
 College of Veterinary Medicine
 Department of Clinical Sciences
 Ithaca, NY 14853 

   David E. Spreng , Dr.med.vet., Diplomate ECVS, ACVECC
 Associate Professor
 University of Bern
 Vetsuisse Faculty
 Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine
 Laengassstr. 128
 CH - 3012 Bern

   Katy L. Townsend , BVSc
 Resident in Small Animal Surgery
 The Ohio State University
 College of Veterinary Medicine
 Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
 601 Vernon L. Tharp Street
 Columbus, OH 43210 

   Henri van Bree , DVM, PhD, Diplomate ECVDI, ECVS
 Professor and Chair
 Ghent University
 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
 Department of Veterinary Medical Imaging and Small Animal Orthopaedics
 Salisburylann 133
 9230 Merelbeke

   Bernadette van Ryssen , DVM, PhD
 Professor of Small Animal Orthopaedic Surgery
 Ghent University
 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
 Department of Veterinary Medical Imaging and Small Animal Orthopaedics
 Salisburylann 133
 9230 Merelbeke

   Ray Vanderby, Jr. , PhD
 University of Wisconsin - Madison
 School of Medicine  &  Public Health
 Department of Orthopedics  &  Rehabilitation
 1111 Highland Ave
 Madison, WI 53505 

   Patrick Vavken , MD, MSc
 Harvard Medical School
 Children's Hospital, Boston
 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
 300 Longwood Ave

 Boston, MA 02115 

   Vicki Wilke , DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVS
 Assistant Clinical Specialist
 University of Minnesota
 College of Veterinary Medicine
 Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
 St Paul, MN 55108  












배송 정보

  • 배송 방법 : 택배
  • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
  • 배송 비용 : 3,000원
  • 배송 기간 : 2일 ~ 5일
  • 배송 안내 : - 산간벽지나 도서지방은 별도의 추가금액을 지불하셔야 하는 경우가 있습니다.
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