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[P0000CSO] Advances in Veterinary Dermatology, Volume 6 New 적립금

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Advances in Veterinary Dermatology, Volume 6 기본 정보
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본서는 제목에서 보시다시피 2008년 홍콩에서 개최된 6회 세계피부학회의 Proceeding을 다시 검증하여 단행본으로 발간한 책입니다.


모든 내용은 학회종료후 Veterinary Dermatology에 개제되었으며 추가검증을 마친후 단행본으로 발간되었읍니다(1차 검증을 통과한 발표만 저널에 개제되었고 단행본으로 발간이 되었읍니다)- 저널개제 2009년, 기타발표사항은 2008년 Supplement로 발간


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Advances in Veterinary Dermatology, Volume 6
: Proceedings of the Sixth World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology Hong Kong November 19 22, 2008
  • Douglas J. DeBoer (Editor), Verena K. Affolter (Editor), Peter B. Hill (Editor)
  • ISBN: 978-1-4443-3646-7
  • Hardcover
  • 464 pages
  • September 2010, Wiley-Blackwell

Advances in Veterinary Dermatology, Volume 6, presents selected scientific papers presented at the Sixth World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology held in Hong Kong. Six themed sessions were represented by a State of the Art plenary lecture, followed by Supporting Reviews and Supporting Original Studies, in the following areas: Skin Biology, Parasitology, Therapy, Infectious Diseases, Otology and Immunology. These peer-reviewed and edited papers were published in the journal Veterinary Dermatology in volume 20, issues 5-6, and are reprinted in book format. They are written by noted clinicians and scientists from around the world, and represent the cutting edge of research and clinical findings in the field of veterinary dermatology. Exclusive to this book are 15 Workshop Reports - summary comments from World Congress discussion sessions, held on a variety of timely and controversial topics in the field. This proceedings volume will be of interest to veterinarians in practice as well as specialist veterinary dermatologists.



Officers and Organizing Committees.



1.1 The keratinocyte in epidermal renewal and defence (Maja M. Suter, Katja Schulze, Wilhelmina Bergman, Monika Welle, Petra Roosje and Eliane J. Muller).

1.2 Unravelling the skin barrier: a new paradigm for atopic dermatitis and house dust mites (Rosanna Marsella and Don Samuelson).

1.3 Increased transepidermal water loss and decreased ceramide content in lesional and non-lesional skin of dogs with atopic dermatitis (Kenichiro Shimada, Ji-Seon Yoon, Toru Yoshihara, Toshiroh Iwasaki and Koji Nishifuji).

1.4 Immunohistochemical evaluation of filaggrin polyclonal antibody in atopic and normal beagles (Rosanna Marsella, Don Samuelson and Lisa Harrington).

1.5 The histamine H4 receptor as a new target for treatment of canine inflammatory skin diseases (Kristine Roßbach, Holger Stark, Kerstin Sander, Rob Leurs, Manfred Kietzmann and Wolfgang Baumer).

1.6 Levels of house dust mite-specific serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) in different cat populations using a monoclonal based anti-IgE enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Jennifer Bexley, Janice E. Hogg, Bruce Hammerberg and Richard E. W. Halliwell).

1.7 Canine epitheliotropic cutaneous T-cell lymphoma: an investigation of T-cell receptor immunophenotype, lesion topography and molecular clonality (Peter F. Moore, Verena K. Affolter, Petra S. Graham and Barbara Hirt).

1.8 Indolent cutaneous T-cell lymphoma presenting as cutaneous lymphocytosis in dogs (Verena K. Affolter, Thelma Lee Gross and Peter F. Moore).

1.9 Use of the D-dimer assay for diagnosing thrombosis in cases of canine cutaneous vasculitis (Edmund J. Rosser Jr).


2.1 New concepts in antimicrobial susceptibility testing: the mutant prevention concentration and mutant selection window approach (Joseph M. Blondeau).

2.2 Multicentric, controlled clinical study to evaluate effectiveness and safety of miltefosine and allopurinol for canine leishmaniosis (Guadalupe Miro, Gaetano Oliva, Israel Cruz, Carmen Can˜ avate, Michele Mortarino, Claudia Vischer and Paolo Bianciardi).

2.3 The use of recombinant omega interferon therapy in canine atopic dermatitis: a double-blind controlled study (Didier Noe¨ l Carlotti, Marc Boulet, Joe¨ l Ducret, Gustavo Machicote, Pierre Jasmin, Christophe A. Re`me and Maxime Albouy).


3.1 Colonization and infection of the human host by staphylococci: adhesion, survival and immune evasion (Timothy J. Foster).

3.2 Advances in the pathogenesis of canine leishmaniosis: epidemiologic and diagnostic implications (Manolis N. Saridomichelakis).

3.3 The Staphylococcus intermedius group of bacterial pathogens: species re-classification, pathogenesis and the emergence of meticillin resistance (J. Ross Fitzgerald).

3.4 Risk of colonization or gene transfer to owners of dogs with meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (Linda A. Frank, Stephen A. Kania, Elizabeth M. Kirzeder, Laura C. Eberlein and David A. Bemis).

3.5 Staphylococcus intermedius binding to immobilized fibrinogen, fibronectin and cytokeratin in vitro (Vanessa Schmidt, Tim Nuttall, Jennie Fazakerley and Neil McEwan).

3.6 Presence of Bartonella species and Rickettsia species DNA in the blood, oral cavity, skin and claw beds of cats in the United States (Michael R. Lappin and Jennifer Hawley).


4.1 Flea and tick control in the st century: challenges and opportunities (Michael Wayne Dryden).

4.2 Treatment of canine generalised demodicosis with a ’spot-on’ formulation containing % moxidectin and .5% imidacloprid (Advocate_, Bayer Healthcare) (Ralf S. Mueller, Daniela Meyer, Emmanuel Bensignor and Carola Sauter-Louis).

4.3 Treatment of canine generalized demodicosis: a blind, randomized clinical trial comparing the efficacy of Advocate_ (Bayer Animal Health) with ivermectin (Tara E. Paterson, Richard E. W. Halliwell, Paul J. Fields, Marta Lanza Louw, Jakobus P. Louw, Geoff S. Ball, Rhonda D. Pinckney and John S. McKibben).


5.1 Anatomy and physiology of the canine ear (Lynette K. Cole).

5.2 Histological changes in the external ear canal of dogs with otitis externa (Hui-Pi Huang, Christopher J. L. Little and Pauline E. McNeil).

5.3 In vitro and in vivo evaluation of a potentiated miconazole aural solution in chronic Malassezia otitis externa in dogs (Patrick Hensel, Michaela Austel, Richard E. Wooley, Deborah Keys and Branson W. Ritchie).


6.1 The molecular logic of pemphigus and impetigo: the desmoglein story (Masayuki Amagai).

6.2 Dermatoses affecting desmosomes in animals: a mechanistic review of acantholytic blistering skin diseases (Thierry Olivry and Keith E. Linder).

6.3 Update on the cloning of monoclonal anti-desmoglein antibodies from human pemphigus patients: implications for targeted therapy (John R. Stanley, Ken Ishii, Don L. Siegel and Aimee S. Payne).

6.4 Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of circulating IgG autoantibodies against canine desmoglein in dogs with pemphigus (Koji Nishifuji, Kei Tamura, Hitomi Konno, Thierry Olivry, Masayuki Amagai and Toshiroh Iwasaki).

6.5 Canine hair-follicle keratinocytes enriched with bulge cells have the highly proliferative characteristic of stem cells (Tetsuro Kobayashi, Atsushi Shimizu, Koji Nishifuji, Masayuki Amagai, Toshiroh Iwasaki and Manabu Ohyama).

6.6 Defining the complex epithelia that comprise the canine claw with molecular markers of differentiation (Paul E. Bowden, Hayley Henderson and John D. Reilly).

6.7 A two-dimensional morphological study of corneocytes from healthy dogs and cats and from dogs with atopic dermatitis (Neil A. McEwan, Yi-Fang Lu and Tim Nuttall).

6.8 Survivin expression in canine epidermis and in canine and human cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas (Laura Bongiovanni, Isabella Colombi, Carmine Fortunato and Leonardo Della Salda).

6.9 Hereditary cutaneous mucinosis in shar pei dogs is associated with increased hyaluronansynthase-2 mRNA transcription by cultured dermal fibroblasts (Giordana Zanna, Marı´a J. Docampo, Dolors Fondevila, Mar Bardagı, Anna Bassols and Lluıs Ferrer).


7.1 Biomechanical and molecular characteristics of hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia in Quarter Horses (Jesse G. Grady, Steven H. Elder, Peter L. Ryan, Cyprianna E. Swiderski and Ann M. Rashmir-Raven).

7.2 Cutaneous vasculitis in equines: a retrospective study of cases (Stephen D. White, Verena K. Affolter, Jennifer Dewey, Philip H. Kass, Catherine Outerbridge and Peter J. Ihrke).

7.3 Intradermal testing of horses with and without insect bite hypersensitivity in the Netherlandsusing an extract of native Culicoides species (Marianne M. Sloet van Oldruitenborgh-Oosterbaan, Miriam van Poppel, Inge J. de Raat, Robin van den Boom and Huub F. J. Savelkoul).

7.4 Effects of dexamethasone and hydroxyzine treatment on intradermal testing and allergen-specific IgE serum testing results in horses (Annette Petersen and Harold C. Schott II).

7.5 An open study to evaluate topical treatment of equine chorioptic mange with shampooing and lime sulphur solution (S. Paterson and K. Coumbe).


Section Co-Editor: Dr. Anke Hendricks, Royal Veterinary College, London, UK

8.1 Otitis media: how common and how important? (R. A. W. Rosychuk and P. Bloom).

8.2 Advances in ectoparasite control and prevention (M. W. Dryden and N. E. Tabacca).

8.3 Atopic dermatitis and food allergy: are they the same? (S. C. Shaw and P. J. Forsythe).

8.4 Treatment of hyperadrenocorticism and its complications (P. Roudebush and V. M. Schmidt).

8.5 Pocket pet dermatology (S. D. White and T. Bonenberger).

8.6 Nutraceuticals, traditional Chinese medicine, and non traditional therapies (M. Ogata and C. Chen).

8.7 New diagnostic tests in dermatology (L. J. Vogelnest and C. G. Baxter).

8.8 Novel forms of immunotherapy for allergic diseases (R. S. Mueller and M. A. Shipstone).

8.9 Advances in topical therapy (K. W. Kwochka and L. R. Pinchbeck).

8.10 Topical and systemic antimicrobial therapy for ear infections (T. J. Nuttall and M. N. Carr).

8.11 Variabilities of vasculitis (K. L. Campbell and C. A. Metry).

8.12 What’s new in skin neoplasia? (L. Ferrer and M. Bardagı).

8.13 Dust mite and storage mite hypersensitivity: what does it mean? (R. E. W. Halliwell and T. E. Paterson).

8.14 Cytology and culture: how they affect treatment decisions (A. Yu and B. K. Valentine). Index.

저자(편집자) 정보


Douglas J. DeBoer, DVM, Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Dermatology; Professor of Dermatology, Department of Medical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.

Verena K. Affolter, Dr.med.vet, PhD, Diplomate, European College of Veterinary Pathology; Professor of Clinical Dermatopathology, Department of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis, California, USA.

Peter B. Hill, BVSc, PhD, DVD, MRCVS, MACVSc, Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Dermatology and European College of Veterinary Dermatology; Specialist Veterinary Dermatologist, Veterinary Specialist Centre, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

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